Sukta 7
(rishi : madhuchanda , devatha : indra , chanda : gayathri)
इन्द्रमिद गाथिनो बर्हदिन्द्रमर्केभिरर्किणः |
इन्द्रं वाणीभीअनूषत ||
इन्द्र इद्धर्यो: सचा सम्मिश्ल आ वचोयुजा |
इन्द्रो वज्री हिरण्ययः ||
इन्द्रो दीर्घाय चक्षस आ सूर्यं रोहायद्दिवि |
वि गोभिरद्रिमैरयत ||
इन्द्र वाजेषु नोऽव सहस्त्रप्रधनेषु च |
उग्र उग्राभिरूतिभिः ||
इन्द्रं वयं महाधन इन्द्रमर्भे हवामहे |
युजं वृत्रेषु वज्रिणम् ||
1. Just like the sama singers worship indra, we are singing praises for Indra too
2. Indra joins with his words the two horses to the chariot. He is the one who wears vajrayudha and appears luminous golden in color.
3. For making the farther visible, Indra created the Surya. The rays of the Surya thus vanquished the form of the darkness - the daithya
4. Oh the cogent warrior Indra, please protect us from the fearful thousand battles; imminent ; with your ways of protection.
5. For the protection of our friends, Indra has worn the vajrayudha. This Indra
bestows us with wealth and prosperity.
स नो वर्षन्नमुं चरुं सत्रादावन्नपा वृधि |
अस्मभ्यमप्रतिष्कुतः ||
तुञ्जे तुञ्जे य उत्तरे स्तोमा इन्द्रस्य वज्रिणः |
न विन्धे अस्य सुष्टुतिम् ||
वृषा यूधेव वंसगः कर्ष्टीरियर्त्योजसा |
ईशानो अप्रतिष्कुतः ||
य एकश्चर्षणीनां वसूनामिरज्यति |
इन्द्रः पञ्च क्षितिनाम् ||
इन्द्रं वो विश्त्सपरि हवामहे जनेभ्यः |
अस्माकमस्तु केवलः ||
6. The valiant, the provider lord Indra, let you break this clouds for us into fragments. You never denied anything to us when we asked for.
7. I never could find a simile to the ever providing Indra who has worn the vajra weapon for us. How can I praise to such a level which can comprehend his greatness.
8. Just like the bull which moves along with cow herd, the lord of everything, Indra with his strength inspires the humans.
9. Its Indra who owns the humans and the prosperities of various nature, the owner to the five elements in gross level.
10. Oh friends, for the benefit of you all, I invoke the the supreme manhood indra. He belongs to only us.
(rishi : madhuchanda , devatha : indra , chanda : gayathri)
इन्द्रमिद गाथिनो बर्हदिन्द्रमर्केभिरर्किणः |
इन्द्रं वाणीभीअनूषत ||
इन्द्र इद्धर्यो: सचा सम्मिश्ल आ वचोयुजा |
इन्द्रो वज्री हिरण्ययः ||
इन्द्रो दीर्घाय चक्षस आ सूर्यं रोहायद्दिवि |
वि गोभिरद्रिमैरयत ||
इन्द्र वाजेषु नोऽव सहस्त्रप्रधनेषु च |
उग्र उग्राभिरूतिभिः ||
इन्द्रं वयं महाधन इन्द्रमर्भे हवामहे |
युजं वृत्रेषु वज्रिणम् ||
1. indramid gaadhinau brihadindrarakthaebhirakina: |
indram vaneebheeanooshath ||
2. indra idharyau: sachaa sammisla aa vaachauyuja |
indrau vajree hiranya: ||
3. indrau deerkhaaya chakshasa aa soorayam rohayaddhivi |
vi gobhiradrimaeerayath ||
4. indra vaajeshu nau va sahasrapradhanaeshu cha |
ugra ugraabhiroothibhi: ||
5. indram vayam mahaadhana indramarbhae havamahae |
yujam vruthrueshu vajrinam ||
1. Just like the sama singers worship indra, we are singing praises for Indra too
2. Indra joins with his words the two horses to the chariot. He is the one who wears vajrayudha and appears luminous golden in color.
3. For making the farther visible, Indra created the Surya. The rays of the Surya thus vanquished the form of the darkness - the daithya
4. Oh the cogent warrior Indra, please protect us from the fearful thousand battles; imminent ; with your ways of protection.
5. For the protection of our friends, Indra has worn the vajrayudha. This Indra
bestows us with wealth and prosperity.
स नो वर्षन्नमुं चरुं सत्रादावन्नपा वृधि |
अस्मभ्यमप्रतिष्कुतः ||
तुञ्जे तुञ्जे य उत्तरे स्तोमा इन्द्रस्य वज्रिणः |
न विन्धे अस्य सुष्टुतिम् ||
वृषा यूधेव वंसगः कर्ष्टीरियर्त्योजसा |
ईशानो अप्रतिष्कुतः ||
य एकश्चर्षणीनां वसूनामिरज्यति |
इन्द्रः पञ्च क्षितिनाम् ||
इन्द्रं वो विश्त्सपरि हवामहे जनेभ्यः |
अस्माकमस्तु केवलः ||
6. sa nau vrushannamum charum satraadaavannapa vrudhi |
asmabhyamaprathiskrutha: ||
7. thunjae thunjae ya uthara sthomaa indrasya vajrina |
na vindhae asya sushtuthim ||
8. vrushaa yoodhaeva vamsaga: krushteeriyartyojasaa |
eeshaanau aprathishkutha: ||
9. ya aekascharshaneenaam vasunaamirajyathi |
indra: pancha kshitheenaam ||
10. indram vau vishthaspari havamahae janaebhya: |
asmaakamasthu kevala: ||
6. The valiant, the provider lord Indra, let you break this clouds for us into fragments. You never denied anything to us when we asked for.
7. I never could find a simile to the ever providing Indra who has worn the vajra weapon for us. How can I praise to such a level which can comprehend his greatness.
8. Just like the bull which moves along with cow herd, the lord of everything, Indra with his strength inspires the humans.
9. Its Indra who owns the humans and the prosperities of various nature, the owner to the five elements in gross level.
10. Oh friends, for the benefit of you all, I invoke the the supreme manhood indra. He belongs to only us.