Sukta 5
(rishi : madhuchand: , devata : indra , chanda : gayathri)
आ त्वेता नि षीदतेन्द्रमभि प्र गायत |
सखाय: स्तोमवाहसः ||
पुरूतमं पुरूणामीशानं वार्याणम् |
इन्द्रं सोमे सचा सुते ||
सखा नौ योग आ भुवत स राये स पुरन्ध्याम् |
गमद वाजेभिरा स नः ||
यस्य संस्धे न वृण्वते हरी समत्सु शत्रवः |
तस्मा इन्द्राय गायत ||
सुतपाव्ने सुता इमे शुचयो यन्दि वीतये |
सोमासो दध्याशिरः ||
1. Oh friends who praise Indra, you sing the praises of goodness for the Indra who have come here.
2. Let you all jointly prepare the soma juice and praise Indra.
3. That Indra, let him give us the riches and the intellect and also help us with his powers of various nature.
4. That Indra, in front of whose horse chariot, the enemies cant withstand, sing the praises of him.
5. This divine soma juice is available in itself for the Indra, who drinks soma always
तवं सूतस्य पीतये सद्यो वृद्धो अजायधा: |
इन्द्र ज्यैष्ठयाय सुक्रतो ||
आ त्वा विशन्द्वाशवः सोमास इन्द्र गिर्वणः |
शं ते सन्तु प्रचेतसे ||
त्वां सतोमा अविवृधान त्वमुक्धा शतक्रतो |
त्वां वर्धन्तु नो गिरः ||
अक्षितोतिः सनेदिमं वाजमिन्द्रः सहस्रिणम् |
यस्मिन विश्वानि पौंस्या ||
मा नो मर्ता अभिद्रुहन् तनूनामिन्द्र गिर्वणः |
ईशानो यवया वधम् ||
6. Oh the royal krathu Indra, you always like to prosper by drinking soma.
7. Oh the one to be praised, let this soma be playful on your body.Let it give you pleasantness. Let the wise bring you happiness.
8. Oh Indra who have attended more than hundred yagnas, just like the way in which grow with the stoma and mukdha, within these words of praises,you grow.
9. In whom the abilities are not hindered in any means, in whom all the divine powers are present, let that indra provide us with the ability to take care of the thousands people.
10. Oh the Indra, the one who is to be praised, let our bodies be not wounded by any enemies. Let no one be capable of wounding us and you are capable in all means for avoiding it from happening.
(rishi : madhuchand: , devata : indra , chanda : gayathri)
आ त्वेता नि षीदतेन्द्रमभि प्र गायत |
सखाय: स्तोमवाहसः ||
पुरूतमं पुरूणामीशानं वार्याणम् |
इन्द्रं सोमे सचा सुते ||
सखा नौ योग आ भुवत स राये स पुरन्ध्याम् |
गमद वाजेभिरा स नः ||
यस्य संस्धे न वृण्वते हरी समत्सु शत्रवः |
तस्मा इन्द्राय गायत ||
सुतपाव्ने सुता इमे शुचयो यन्दि वीतये |
सोमासो दध्याशिरः ||
1. aa twaetaa ni sheedathaendramabhi pra gaayatha |
sakhaaya: sthomavaahasa: ||
2. puruthamam purunaameeshaanam vaaryaanam |
indram somaee sachaa suthae ||
3. sakhaa nau yoga aa bhuvat sa raayaee sa purandhyaam |
gamad vaajaeebhiraa sa na: ||
4. yasya samsdhae na vrunwathae haree samathsu shathrava: |
tasma indraaya gaayatha ||
5. suthapaavnae suthaa imae shuchayo yandi veethayae |
somaasoo dadhyaashira: ||
1. Oh friends who praise Indra, you sing the praises of goodness for the Indra who have come here.
2. Let you all jointly prepare the soma juice and praise Indra.
3. That Indra, let him give us the riches and the intellect and also help us with his powers of various nature.
4. That Indra, in front of whose horse chariot, the enemies cant withstand, sing the praises of him.
5. This divine soma juice is available in itself for the Indra, who drinks soma always
तवं सूतस्य पीतये सद्यो वृद्धो अजायधा: |
इन्द्र ज्यैष्ठयाय सुक्रतो ||
आ त्वा विशन्द्वाशवः सोमास इन्द्र गिर्वणः |
शं ते सन्तु प्रचेतसे ||
त्वां सतोमा अविवृधान त्वमुक्धा शतक्रतो |
त्वां वर्धन्तु नो गिरः ||
अक्षितोतिः सनेदिमं वाजमिन्द्रः सहस्रिणम् |
यस्मिन विश्वानि पौंस्या ||
मा नो मर्ता अभिद्रुहन् तनूनामिन्द्र गिर्वणः |
ईशानो यवया वधम् ||
6. twam soothasya peethayae sadyau vruddhau ajaayadhaa: |
indra jaeshddyaaya sukratau ||
7. aa twa vishandwaashava: somaasa indra girwana : |
sham tae santhu prachaetasae ||
8. twam stomaa aveevridhaan twamukdhaa shatakratau |
twaam vardhandu nau gira: ||
9. akshithothi: sanaedimam vaajamindraha sahasrinam |
yasmin vishwaani paumsyaa ||
10. maa nau marthaa abhidruhan tanoonaamindra girvana: |
eeshaano yavayaa vadham ||
6. Oh the royal krathu Indra, you always like to prosper by drinking soma.
7. Oh the one to be praised, let this soma be playful on your body.Let it give you pleasantness. Let the wise bring you happiness.
8. Oh Indra who have attended more than hundred yagnas, just like the way in which grow with the stoma and mukdha, within these words of praises,you grow.
9. In whom the abilities are not hindered in any means, in whom all the divine powers are present, let that indra provide us with the ability to take care of the thousands people.
10. Oh the Indra, the one who is to be praised, let our bodies be not wounded by any enemies. Let no one be capable of wounding us and you are capable in all means for avoiding it from happening.